Our main goal has changed. It is now to become better stewards of the bees we keep. I will always continue to learn and I enjoy sharing that knowledge with others and to mentor people. That along with the bees has become my passion. I still want to provide the closest to right-out-of-the-hive honey (my original main goal). I take great pride in the honey and bees that I provide and always look for ways to improve. (For information on our honey see our honey page.)
I hope you find the information valuable. As I am now retired from the military, look for exciting changes and drastic improvements to my web site. Suggestions are always welcomed and will be considered for future updates.
Note: If you see something that is underlined it is a link that will take to another website or page.
Other great sources for bee information are New Mexico Beekeepers Association (NMBKA), and Albuquerque Beeks.